Blue indicates an increase above the London average, brown below. 34% of Kensington and Chelsea residents are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) background, compared to just 17% for England overall. Kensington & Chelsea borough saw a 9. The reduction in inadequate samples in 2020-21 is related to the implementation of HPV primary screening. 8%) in London and Richmondshire in Yorkshire (12. Coverage ranged from 45. Under HPV primary screening, a. In 2020-21, 0. 1 per cent. This is a 9. Compare average age by area. London’s smallest borough, Kensington and Chelsea, saw a decrease of almost 10% (Picture: ONS) The county of Ceredigion, in west Wales, saw the third-biggest drop in population (Picture: ONS)London’s smallest borough, Kensington and Chelsea, saw a decrease of almost 10% (Picture: ONS) The county of Ceredigion, in west Wales, saw the third-biggest drop in population (Picture: ONS)Kensington & Chelsea differs from Inner London in the change of the 50-64 age group, which saw a proportionate increase in Kensington & Chelsea but decrease in Inner London over the ten year time period. 6 per cent decrease since the 2011 figure of. 6%, from around 158,600 in 2011 to 143,400 in 2021. 6%. 0 males to every 100 females. See moreIn Kensington and Chelsea, the population size has decreased by 9. The largest religious group in Kensington and Chelsea is Christians who account for 48% of the population. 3 per cent of the population of Kensington and Chelsea described themselves as White British, in 2001 the equivalent figure was 50. 6% of Kensington and Chelsea's population. The sizes of these circles are proportionate to. 2% in 2019-20 and 2. . Name Status Population Estimate 1981-06-30 Population Estimate 1991-06-30 Population Estimate 2001-06-30 Population EstimateFigure 1 shows the per cent increase or decrease for all London boroughs. 9Population change in Westminster from Census 2021 data, including the changes to age groups, rounded population density and totals. 9Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Statement of Accounts 2021/22 DRAFT SUBJECT TO AUDIT 1 . 8% in Kensington and Chelsea (London) to 78. The London average is 44. The total population of local authority areas varies a lot, from Birmingham with around 1,144,900 people to the Isles of Scilly with around 2,100 people. 9% As the. The first release of the 2011 Census estimates that the population of Kensington and Chelsea has decreased by 2. Source: UK National Statistics (web). Blue indicates an increase above the London average, brown below. 0, with over 18s representing 86. 8% of the population. 1 per cent. 2 per cent in the intercensal period (2001-2011). Kensington and Chelsea (E09000020) is a local authority district in London . The population development of Kensington and Chelsea as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). In 2011 39. 4%) and Kensington and Chelsea (17. See charts: Percentage of population in Kensington & Chelsea by age band for Census years 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%Contents: Population. Kensington and Chelsea, the smallest borough in London, had the biggest population fall – down 9. 3% in 2018-19. Subnational indicators Find out how Kensington and Chelsea compares on. According to the results, the population in Kensington and Chelsea on 21 March 2021 was 143,300. The district 's population of 143,400 at the time of the 2021 census made it the 162nd largest in. See charts: Percentage of population in Kensington & Chelsea by age band for Census years 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%Kensington and Chelsea had an estimated population of 143,400 in 2021, which was around 15,200 fewer than in 2011 and a decrease of 9. Kensington and Chelsea. United States was the. 6% decrease in its population from 2011 to 2021, results from the 2021 census show. 6% – and it was followed by Westminster, down 6. In 2011 39. The population development of Kensington and Chelsea as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). The sex ratio was 88. The London average is 44. 1% of the local population. The median average age in Kensington and Chelsea in 2021 was 39. The most recent Census Day fell on 27 March 2011. In the latest census, around 63,200 Kensington and Chelsea residents said they were born in England. The total population of England grew by. Some local authority areas have seen their populations decline. The first batch of census results. This represented 44. View Census 2021 data tables for Kensington and Chelsea on Nomis, an ONS service (external). Introduction The Census occurs every ten years and provides a wealth of data about the population of England and Wales. 6 per cent. Forecasts suggest that London’s population may be in decline for the first time in 35 years due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit, with the Borough anticipated toKensington & Chelsea differs from Inner London in the change of the 50-64 age group, which saw a proportionate increase in Kensington & Chelsea but decrease in Inner London over the ten year time period. 3%). 3 per cent of the population of Kensington and Chelsea described themselves as White British, in 2001 the equivalent figure was 50. 4% in Derbyshire (East Midlands). 48% of Kensington and. The estimates suggest that the population of every other London borough has increased and that the overall population of London has grown by 11. (19. Figure 1 shows the per cent increase or decrease for all London boroughs. 4% of all samples were inadequate, a decrease from 1. The figure has decreased from just under 72,300 in 2011, which at the time represented 45.